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Health Club Management
2022 issue 3

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Leisure Management - Adnan Ebrahim

HCM people

Adnan Ebrahim

MindLabs makes looking after mental health as normal as going to the gym

photo: MindLabs
Users can access 100s of engaging classes via the MindLabs app photo: shutterstock/fizkes

Tell us about MindLabs
It’s a new mental health platform that hopes to make looking after mental health as normal as going to the gym.

We believe it’s the first platform in the mental wellness industry to prioritise live and on-demand video-led content over other forms of media, giving users access to hundreds of engaging classes on their mobile phones.

It’s based on neuroscience, utilising knowledge from mindfulness practitioners, ranging from breathwork expert Richie Bostock to clinical psychologist Dr Erica McInnis and neuroscientist Anne-Sophie Fluri.

Classes are designed to help users rewire their brains to sleep better, stress less, be more energised and feel happier.

How does it work?
It uses live and on-demand content to help people overcome stress, anxiety and low mood and improve their sleep patterns.

What inspired you to create MindLabs?
For far too long, we’ve neglected taking care of our minds in the same way we take care of our physical selves.

We’ve been ashamed to speak openly about this mislabelling mental vulnerability as weakness and approaching practices such as mindfulness with caution, worried about its scientific vigour.

How much does it cost to use?
The MindLabs app is available on iOS from £7.99 per month and can be downloaded from the App Store.

What’s your personal vision?
Fundamentally, we want to create a world where looking after your mind is as normal as going to the gym.

We’re excited to be the new face of change. Our team of neuroscience and mindfulness experts lead classes based on research, making techniques that previously felt out of reach, practicable and understandable.

It’s time for people to reclaim mental wellness and bring tools like meditation into the mainstream, with a science-first approach. We want to empower everyone with the tools to take better care of their minds.

And your team?
My team believes that the relationship people build with their instructors are fundamental to the experience of a mindfulness class, and the subsequent result it has when it comes to changing your brain through neuroplasticity.

Video content gives us the opportunity to truly connect with users, even when we’re not in the same physical environment, and that’s something the industry should truly be prioritising, especially as the pandemic has increased isolation and feelings of loneliness.

Just as you might lift weights in the gym or have a specific physical exercise regime, MindLabs is a daily tool to strengthen neural pathways that lead to better concentration, improved presence and self-awareness and more positive thinking patterns.

More: www.wearemindlabs.com

Adnan Ebrahim interview courtesy of Fit Tech – the sister magazine of HCM – and managing editor, Steph Eaves

Get more fit tech news: sign up for free digital magazines and news feeds at www.FitTechglobal.com/signup

Originally published in Health Club Management 2022 issue 3

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