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Health Club Management
2019 issue 7

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Leisure Management - miha bodytec

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miha bodytec

Technology is shaping the way we do fitness. Personal trainers seek the latest innovations to elevate their business services. Electro-muscle stimulation (EMS) takes fitness technology to a whole new level, using the best of technology to ensure faster results compared to any other workout

EMS training is perfect for PTs who want to maximise the use of their time

Electro-muscle stimulation (EMS) takes fitness technology to a whole new level, using the best of technology to ensure faster results compared to any other workout.

Already huge in Germany, the most forward-thinking, UK-based personal trainers are recognising the power of EMS for developing their business and attracting clients with a workout technique they’ve never experienced before.

At only 20 minutes a session, EMS is the perfect solution for personal trainers keen to maximise their time and create an efficient work schedule. EMS lends itself to several business models, including mobile PT services, boutique studios and franchising opportunities. PT services currently make up the largest proportion of this offering, as trainers take advantage of the mobile nature of the device. This allows them to target those without a gym membership and those who prefer to work out in the comfort of their own home, keeping overheads and rent at a minimum.

We spoke to several personal trainers using the miha bodytec EMS device to train their clients to understand more about their business models and the success they're having with the equipment.

Charged Fitness
Jamie Harrison-Payne and Charlie Green

Jamie Harrison-Payne and Charlie Green have seen great success with their mobile EMS PT service, Charged Fitness, since starting up the brand in 2017.

Charged Fitness makes training as easy, accessible and efficient as possible. Jamie and Charlie travel to 20 clients’ homes a week – including a number of celebrities – conducting bespoke EMS workouts using the miha bodytec device. They were able to see a full return on their initial investment on two devices in just 12 months.

"Our approach is all about bringing simplicity to people, helping them to reach their goals as efficiently as possible. The majority of our clients are business men and women who don’t have the time to commit to a gym membership, so a 30-minute session in the comfort of their own home works perfectly – 20 minutes of EMS, 10 minutes of recovery and stretching," Jamie explains.

"Our approach is all about bringing simplicity to people. The majority of our clients are business men and women who don’t have the time to commit to a gym membership, so a 20-minute session in the comfort of their own home works perfectly" - Jamie Harrison-Payne

"EMS is zero impact, which has also allowed us to work with individuals who struggle with normal gym exercises because they are cautious about returning injuries. We’ve found that a number of our clients work harder and get better results than they ever did with a traditional PT. This is because we can set the level of stimulation, rather than relying on their personal motivation to complete the exercises at a high enough intensity. It means we guarantee faster results and keep them coming back week on week. The business is growing rapidly, so much so that we are looking to hire additional trainers, as well as considering the opportunity to rent a studio space to expand further."

The founders of Charged Fitness say their business is growing rapidly, thanks to the results that EMS brings
Alex Parker, Personal Trainer
Alex Parker

Alex Parker, personal trainer at Pure Gym South Kensington, recently started training his clients – including some famous faces – using EMS. In only a month, he has managed to build up a substantial client base, which he expects to bring in a return on investment in as little as six months. Alex uses the device with his clients on the gym floor and has received a lot of interest from onlookers.

"Since trialling an EMS session a few years ago, I have kept it in the back of my mind, knowing it had great potential for helping to build my business portfolio and give me a USP. Consumers are interested in the role technology can play in their fitness more than ever before, so now really is the perfect time to bring EMS to the masses," says Alex.

"Over the past month, I've transitioned a number of my clients from a normal PT session onto EMS and they never want to go back. It’s also convenient for me as I am able to fit more sessions into my day for the same price as a sixty-minute PT session. It's the perfect service for helping to bring in more revenue. In time, I hope to buy a second device and look to hire another couple of trainers to run their own EMS sessions under a franchised business."

EMS technology provides a low-impact, efficient way to work out
Louise Margolin, Personal Trainer
Louise Margolin

Louise Margolin is a freelance EMS trainer, offering sessions from Churchill House studio in Hendon and her own home. Louise began as a mobile EMS PT four years ago and her service grew quickly through word of mouth. Offering EMS alongside her co-workers Mónika and Tibor Kolb from a rented studio space in Hendon and from her home, Louise dedicates up to 60 minutes of her time to each client, allowing them to choose how much they want to use of that hour, based on their availability. Louise’s holistic approach to fitness has encouraged 20 regular clients to attend weekly EMS sessions, on top of those who see her on a more goal-orientated basis.

“I have always enjoyed exercise and keeping in shape, but never felt comfortable or liked to spend hours in the gym. That’s why as soon as I found EMS I knew it was the perfect workout for me and the results spoke for themselves. As soon as I introduced EMS to my clients, they felt the same way. My clients love the one-on-one nature of the training, the fact that it's only 20 minutes and the fast results. They achieve their goals and consistently push themselves further each week. I’ve reached a client base that no gym is managing to touch,” says Louise. “I really do believe EMS is the future of fitness and am looking forward to helping build awareness of its benefits and what a great workout it is.”

It's time to stand out

With only one in seven UK citizens holding a gym membership, EMS really is the perfect solution to help trainers stand out and appeal to a nation that is calling out for a different way to keep active.

This, coupled with the increasing interest in fitness technology, means the opportunity for personal trainers to succeed with EMS is huge. With retention rates for EMS sitting at more than 85 per cent, there’s never been a better time to get on board.

For more information, to speak to the miha bodytec team or for a free EMS trial, visit www.miha-bodytec.com/en/ - www.be-a-first-mover.com

TEL: +44 (0)208 0680780

EMAIL: uk-info@miha-bodytec.com

WEB: uk-info@miha-bodytec.com

Originally published in Health Club Management 2019 issue 7

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